How to achieve permanent weight loss and get rid of belly fat is one area that has been given a considerable amount of research. You have all heard of the yo-yo diets, take it off, put it on, as being bad for your health, worse than being steadily overweight in some cases. Trying to keep off the weight at you have lost is extremely difficult and it is the one thing that millions of people work at in their daily life. So if you are seeking to turn your belly fat loose on someone else then we have some tips for you on losing those pounds and keeping them off forever.
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You have all heard that the first thing you should do before starting a weight loss program, exercising, etc. is to consult with a doctor. There can be underlying causes of weight gain, or you may already have some health effects from being overweight that would show up in a physical. Belly fat can be a precursor to some diseases. This is important for adults as well as children. Your Doctor should be able to determine if you are healthy enough to pursue the diet or physical exercise plan that you are pursuing. They will also be able to help you set a realistic time frame for your weight loss and the amount of actual weight loss which will be healthy for you. Trying to loose too much weight too fast can have serious health consequences.
As we mentioned above dieting and exercise go hand in hand when trying to increase weight loss. So frankly this tip is not all that unexpected, but few people like to hear it - you're just not going to lose that belly fat and keep it off without exercising. In fact exercising will help you attain your weight loss goals and reduce belly fat. Sorry, but that is a proven fact. But it doesn't have to be all bad news. Exercise does not mean pumping iron at the gym for four ours. The easiest and extremely beneficial exercise is just plain old walking. This is an easy exercise the majority of us can do every day.
Skipping meals is a false way to lose belly fat and will not lead to real weight loss or quick weight loss. You will become hungrier and eat more than if you had several small meals a day. You will find that a lot of people, who have trouble losing weight and keeping it off, often skip meals. Breakfast is the most often skipped meal and is the most important one of the day. Breakfast is going to be the one that sets the tone for your whole day. Skipped meals often lead to excess snacking, drinking sugared drinks (high calories) for energy and other snacks, such as chips and candy bars.
One other tip to help in weight loss is to reduce the size of your portions. You can control portion size by reducing the size of your plate. If you ever actually measured out what one portion/serving is you already know that we pile on two to three times what we should. If your plate can't hold it all, then it might just keep you from going back for seconds.
No matter whether you are trying to lose your belly fat, weight gain from pregnancy, or need to look good for your upcoming wedding or class reunion, with the use of common sense, a little will power, exercise, correct portion size and the help of your doctor you will lose weight and have permanent weight loss, and less belly fat.
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