Here's an exercise article for weight loss that actually has some good and useful tips that are easy, you can do at home, and get quick weight loss results. In this article, I'll share with you a few of the best weight loss exercises.
Don't worry... jogging (zzz), aerobics classes (haha), and all that other stuff that wastes too much time for too little results are not in this article.
First up... jumping on a mini-trampoline
This is a favorite of mine. It costs $25, but is a great investment. I like this for many reasons, first being that it gets good weight loss results. But time is important to me since like you, I'm busy. So this saves me time because I can jump on it during 2 minute tv commercials.
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The average 1 hour tv show has 21-22 minutes of tv commercials (yeah I know, a lot!). So use that time instead of wasting it. By using that time, you free up time during other parts of your day.
Second... hula hoop your waist and hips into a belly dancer's body.
The hula hoop will be the latest weight loss craze in a year or so. But it deserves the attention because nothing is really better for toning your waist and hips area. Picture yourself with a belly dancer's body. It's within reach if you hula hoop for 10 minutes a day.
Third... walking up an incline.
Because walking on a 10-15 degree incline causes your body to go into a huge oxygen deficit, the body is forced into burning bodyfat for instant energy. So all you need to do is walk on an inclined treadmill or a nearby hill for 15-20 minutes a day. Trust me, this is nothing like typical walking on flat ground. You'll see.
Go try out these 3 really effective ways to lose weight from this weight loss exercise article.
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